
Our model is based on several values found in philosophy, some that we hold dear at PRSPR are:

  1. Decentralisation: In a sustainable and equitable, decision-making was often done at the local level. To reflect this, PRSPR’s governance model will prioritise decentralisation, empowering members locally to make decisions that affect them directly.

  2. Commons and Common Good: PRSPR is based on the belief that the members will prioritise the common good and act with integrity and a sense of duty to the membership at large. We value and prioritise the well-being of all members of society, not only the wealthy or powerful. PRSPR model of risk sharing across membership is based on this value of common good.

  3. Pluralism: PRSPR through its membership celebrates and protect the values of pluralism, all its members have equity in rights responsibilities and opportunities regardless of their background.

  4. Sustainability: Different forms of emerging research and indigenous knowledge emphasises the interconnectedness of all living things and the need to live in harmony with nature. At PRSPR we understand that our governance should reflect this value by building such checks and balances that sustain and grow PRSPR ethically.

  5. Participatory democracy: In any equitable society, there is a strong tradition of democratic decision-making through consensus-building. PRSPR is built on this premise that we are building a participatory democracy, involving members in the decisions of PRSPR.

  6. Conflict Resolution: Discourse is enriched with debate, conversation and resolution. PRSPR will build such practices that allow peaceful conflict resolution and avoiding the use of force except as a last resort.